
Showing posts from 2011

Bhatt Ki Churdkani (Bhatt ki Daal)

Hello All!!! I M Back !!! With my Recipe!!! Today I am going to share a very Traditional Dish of Kumaon.... yes u Got it Right!!!Thats Bhat Ki Chudkani!!! I hope you will like it!!! So what are we waiting for here we go....!!! Ingredients: Black or white soya bean or bhatt-1 cup Mustard oil-4 tablespoon Besan-2 tablespoon  Onion-1 Garlic and Ginger (as per taste) Tomato-1(Optional) Cumin seeds-1/2 tablespoon Turmeric powder-1/2 tablespoon Garam Masala (Optional) Red chilly powder  Salt to taste Method : 1.) First heat teaspoonful mustard oil in pan and roast Bhatt till it starts crackling or you would see the outer layer of beans being cracked (In Black bhatt take precaution that it did not over fry) Put it aside. Cut Onion and tomatoes separately and Keep aside. 2.) Then take some more oil in Pressure Cooker and crackle Cumin seeds, add Onion, ginger, garlic and fry it well then add the tomatoes and besan in it. 3.) After that ...

International Men's Day!!!

International Men's Day (IMD)  is an annual international event celebrated on November 19. Inaugurated in 1999 in Trinidad and Tobago, the day and its events find support from a variety of individuals and groups in Australia, the Caribbean, North America, Asia, Europe, Africa, and the United Nations. Speaking on behalf of UNESCO, Director of Women and Culture of Peace Ingeborg Breines said of IMD, “This is an excellent idea and would give some gender balance.” She added that UNESCO was looking forward to cooperating with the organizers. The objectives of celebrating an International Men's Day include focusing on men's and boys' health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, and highlighting positive male role models.[2][3][4][5] It is an occasion to highlight discrimination against men and boys and to celebrate their achievements and contributions, in particular for their contributions to commu...

Festival of Joy

During Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi is believed to visit homes that are well lit, so families decorate their homes. People wear their best clothes or buy new ones, children are given presents and new year greetings are exchanged through visits or Diwali cards. Thus, a Rangoli design is created on doorsteps to welcome everybody. Rangoli exudes a pattern in color that are specific for each region. During Diwali, in the art of floor painting, the central rangoli design is the symbolic one denoting the deity or the theme. Motifs generally created are lotus, fish, birds, snakes etc. which reflects the unity of man and beast. Most of the rangoli designs are circular exuding a sense of endlessness of time. Celestial symbols such as the sun, moon and other zodiac signs are also common themes for rangoli. Layered with symbolism is the lotus denoting  Goddess Lakshmi, the unfolding of life, the heart or the wheel . During Diwali, two interfaced triangles are created that indicates th...

Aloo ke Gutke

1 of my most favourite Kumaoni dish prepared from Boiled Potatoes. Ingredients Potato - 1Kg Cumin powder - ½ Tea Spoon Tumeric powder - 1 Tea Spoon Coriander powder - 2 Tea Spoon Red Chilli powder - 1 Tea Spoon Oil - 50 gms Salt to taste Green Coriander - 2 Bunches Method : Boil and peel the potatoes Cut the potatoes into small or medium sized diagonal pieces Fry cumin seeds till it crakes then add tumeric powder Add boil potatoes pieces with Coriander powder, chilly powder and Salt. Cook on slow fire. Garnish with chopped green Coriander. It is really easy to make & tasety dish !!! This is one normal kitchen type recipe for aloo ke gutke but real taste of all the spices as village can't be obtained from the market grated packet spices !!!  असली  स्वाद तो  उसी सिलबट्टे से पिसे हुए मसाले से आता है जिसमे नमक, हल्दी, मिर्ची, जीरा, धनिया  सब साथ में पिसा जाता है!!! तो जरूर इस दिवाली अपने घर में बनाकर कमेंट्स दीजियेगा !!! Thanks!...

Lok Pal Bill !!!

After 65 Years of our Independence here is time when we Indian's are awaken by voice of Hazare!!! Its like, कोई हमे जब तक नीद से झंझोड़ कर ना जगाये तब तक हम सोते ही रहते है, है ना??? चलो जो भी है, आखिर हम नींद से जागे तो!!! बड़ी उम्मीदों से अन्नाजी ने ये क्रांति की मशाल जलाई है, देखते है की क्या ये मशाल सच में भ्रष्टाचार के अँधेरे को दूर कर पाने में कारगर होगी? और होगी भी तो कितनी कारगर सीद्ध होती है!!!  जब ये लड़ाई शुरू हुई तो लग रहा था की भारत के इतिहास में एक नया आयाम जुड़ जाने वाला है, आखिर कब तक सरकार अन्ना जैसे साधू इंसान को बिना कोई जुर्म जेल में रख पाएगी??? और ऐसा ही हुआ सुबह से शाम होते होते सरकार के होसले पस्त हो गए, पर फिर भी उन्होंने अन्नाजी को दिल्ली से कही दूर भेज देने का जाल बिछाया पर वो भी सफल न हुआ !!! आज जब सारे देश वासी अन्ना की जलाई हुई मशाल को अपने हाथो में थामकर इस आन्दोलन को आगे बड़ा रहे है तब दूसरी तरफ लोगो क मन में विचार भी आ रहा है अन्नाजी कब तक अनशन पर कायम रह पाएंगे??? और हां अगर ये लोकपाल बिल आ भी गया तो क्या सचमें भ्रष्टाचार का अंत...

Kumaoni Cusienes...!!!!

I Would like to share one of my Favorite food recipe here!!!! Kakdi Ka Raita Ingredients: 1 Bowl Curd (Main) 1 Cucumber's (Main) 1 Onion (Optional) Ginger (Optional) 1 Green Chilly Coriander  leaves Mint leaves Mustard Powder (Main) Chilly Powder Salt Method : (1.) Wash and Peel Cucumbers properly and grate it. (2.) Chop Onion, Ginger, Chilly. (3.) Mix all ingredients well in bowl and add Mustard powder, chilly powder and salt to taste. (4.) Finally add fresh Corriender & Mint leaves and Serve it cool. You can always add more vegetables as Tomato's, Capsicum to add flavours in Raita. Here I have kept it simple as our traditional method is. But this does not have any compromise with taste it taste's heavenly in simple form also so give it a try. Taste best with Paratha's and Pulav!!!

Independence Day!!!

India have completed 64 years of being Independent. But have we Understood true meaning of independece ??? The answer is no. We are happy thinking that we have no English Man ruling over us, but what about all the other ill Factor's which are still leading us. When we were overruled by others we had only one goal to be free from their rule, but we did not had any idea how our country is to be after getting freedom ??? And now when we have compleated 64 years of Independence this question needs a great thought that is this the true Picture of India we have dreamt for ??? Don't we deserve a Country that is free from Corruption, terrorism, illitracy, poverty, population, explotation and inequalitis. But how can this be possible ??? Is there any government who can make this happen ??? Who can do this ??? Can any Super hero like Anna change the whole System and give our India a new identity ??? This is not the purpose of one person this is definetly possible when we all come up t...


रक्षाबंधन की हार्दिक शुभकामनाये !!! राखी का त्यौहार मेरे सबसे प्रिय त्योहारों में से एक है!!! वैसे तो मुझे हर एक त्यौहार पसंद है, पर राखी सभी त्योहारों में खास है!!! हर बार की तरह इस बार भी मैंने अपने प्यारे बड़े भाई को राखी बाँधी !!!  मेरे भाई से मुझे कुछ मांगने की जरूरत नहीं पड़ती क्यूंकि मुझे मांगे बिना ही वो सब कुछ दे देता है!!! किसी ने सच हीकहा है की दुनिया मेंसबसे पवित्र और प्यारा रिश्ता भाई-बेहेन का होता है !!! भाई दोस्त, माँ, पिता इन तीनो का संगम होता है!!! बहेन पर जब भी कोई मुश्किल आती है भाई हमेशा एक मजबूत सहारा बनकर उसके साथ होता है!!! तभी तो बहेन का भाई से स्नेह और विश्वास हर साल राखी का त्यौहार मानाने के साथ कई गुना बढ़ जाता है!!! जुग जुग जिओ मेरे भैय्या !!!

Happy Friendship Day

Happy Friendship Day!!! दोस्ती क्या है ? मनो तो जीने का सहारा है दोस्ती जब अपने कहलाने वाले रिश्तेदार भी मुसीबत के समय साथ छोड़ दे तब दिखाई देती है साची दोस्ती! जीवन में रंग भारती है सच्चे दोस्तों की दोस्ती, तो कभी जीवन की भूल बनती है बुरी दोस्ती! शायद तभी किसी विद्वान् ने कहा है के नादान दिसत से समझदार दुश्मन भला! जीवन में नए दोस्तों का आना तो लगा ही रहता है, पर वो दोस्त जो सुख और दुःख में काम आये वैसे सच्चे दोस्त बहोत कम होते है! अगर कोई ऐसा  दोस्त आपकी भी जिंदगी में आये तो आपके जीवन को नया आयाम मिलता है! सच्चे दोस्त वो होते है जो आपकी कमियों को जानकार उन्हें दूर करे, जो आपकी हर बुरी बात में आपको टोके और हर अच्छी बात में गर्व महसूस करे!!! इस मित्रता दिवस में मेरी ये मनोकामना है की ऐसा दोस्त सभी के जीवन में आये जो आपकी ख़ुशी में खुश और आपके दुःख में दुखी हो!!! Happy Friendship day!! :-)

Festival's in Kumaoni Way!!!

Festivals: Festivals are what??? They are just Platinum Beads of a necklace called life, then what about Golden and silver Beads??? Well Golden Beads are the Moments which we live with our near and dear one's and Silver Beads is every moment of life which we live !!! Many of us know "Why" they are living as such some live for their Dream's, Some for their Parents, some for making big money and some to spend money, but very few know "How" they are living!!! Answer os this "How" the only reason why we Celebrate Festivals. Festivals add Meaning to life, festivals are the moments which we share with our Family. Those moments which are very Special and Much More special when we celebrate them in Traditional way.  Festival of Rakshabandhan is one of those pretty moments and 1 more Golden Bead in my Necklace of life!!!  We all celebrate this Festival as in General way but lets know whats the true way to celebrate it, the cultural ...

Where is our Entertainment Industry Going???

Life is worth living when our intellectual level is good. Good in sense that we can fell the feeling that arouse on other persons mind when we do anything that is bad for other's. But I think now a days we are soo busy that we rarely get time to listen to our so called 'Popular Songs' like 'Shiela Ki Jawani' and 'Munni Badnam'. And ya if something is left that's made completed by song's of  'Dilli Belli'. What a great task done by the 'Perfectionist' of the entertainment industry. Don't you think it's enough now???       Now a days when day by day number of People coming from Western Country's goes on increasing day by day in India for the search of Mental peace, and their intellect and inner soul,  putting off their soo Sophisticated and Luxurious life, on the other side we are going on the very rare and awkward third Direction, that is using so disrespectful, and abusing language publically and same is also enjoyed by us...

Myar Kumaon

Munsyari Munsyari acts as the base camp for treks to Milam, Ralam and Namik Glacier, while Dharachula is the base camp for Kailas Mansarovar Yatra, Adi Kailash Yatra and Narayan Swami Ashram. It stands at an altitude of 2,135 metres above sea level and the entire region is known as Johar Valley. Situated around Munsyari are apline lakes of Maheshwari Kund and Thamri Kund. Pithoragarh Fort The Pithoragarh fort is located on top of a hill on the outskirts of Pithoragarh. It was built by the Gorkhas back in the year 1789. Kapileshwar Mahadev The Kapileshwar Mahadev cave is located about 3 kms. from Pithoragarh. The cave temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and it provides a beautiful view of the Soar valley and the Himalayan peaks. Dhwaj Temple Dhwaj temple is a very famous shrine that is dedicated to Lord Shiva and Maa Jayanti and is about 10 kms by road and 4 kms on foot from Pithoragarh. It also provides a breathtaking view of the snow capped peaks that surrou...

Uttarakhand in Number's

1: Uttrakhand 2: Dimension's: 1-Kunmaon, 2-Garhwal 3: Park's: 1-Jim Corbett, 2-Rajaji, 3-Nandadevi 4: Char Dham: 1{ Kedarnath, 2-Badrinath, Gangotri, 4-Yamunotri 5: Panch Badri: Badrinath, Bhavishya Badri, Yagdhyan Badri, Vridha Badri, Adi Badri     Panch Prayag: Dev Prayag, Rudra Prayag, Karna Prayag, Nand Prayag, Vshnu Prayag

Starting up... Harela & Bhitauli

  I have been thinking to do this from sooo long but din't get the way to start. Thought what will I write??? How to Start??? What can Be my 1st Content???  But Here I Am Without any plans !!! And finally I just have put this very first content of my in Air!!! :-) Tomorrow is Harela Festival of Kumaon Culture, where I have my roots!!! This Photo is of Same Occasion. जी रया, जाग रया, तिष्टिया पनपिया लाग हर्याव, लाग दसई , लाग चैत, लाग पंचमी, लाग बिघौती, लाग बग्वाल    यो दिन सब दिन भैटें रया स्याव जसी बुद्धि हो, स्यूं क जस तरान हो धरती बराबर चाकव हो, आसमान बराबर उंच हो दुब क जस फबी जाया, जान्ठी टेकी हगन हूँ जाया सिल पिस भात खाया बची रया हो दिन यो मॉस भैटन  रया यो हरियावा क टिक, अगिल हरियाव क न्योत  Hope All Goes Well!!!