Where is our Entertainment Industry Going???

Life is worth living when our intellectual level is good. Good in sense that we can fell the feeling that arouse on other persons mind when we do anything that is bad for other's. But I think now a days we are soo busy that we rarely get time to listen to our so called 'Popular Songs' like 'Shiela Ki Jawani' and 'Munni Badnam'. And ya if something is left that's made completed by song's of  'Dilli Belli'. What a great task done by the 'Perfectionist' of the entertainment industry. Don't you think it's enough now??? 
     Now a days when day by day number of People coming from Western Country's goes on increasing day by day in India for the search of Mental peace, and their intellect and inner soul,  putting off their soo Sophisticated and Luxurious life, on the other side we are going on the very rare and awkward third Direction, that is using so disrespectful, and abusing language publically and same is also enjoyed by us!!! Strange but true! 
     The Western culture is blamed to influence us for going on wrong direction, that is away from our culture away from our respectful religion and away from our heredity but now we r not going on that direction also, coz now the path which is followed is of soo bottom level that can't be appreciated at all!!!


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